As a Copy Trading Pro investor, having a clear understanding of the key metrics and features of the strategies that you invest in is crucial. The Investor Center on the Bybit App provides you with the tools to navigate your investments effectively.
To access Investor Center, tap on Investor Center in the top right corner of the Copy Trading Pro page.
The Investor Center consists of two (2) main dashboards:
Dashboard: The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your investments, including total equity and cumulative ROI.
My Investment: This dashboard shows your current, past, and historical investments, including shares, pending amounts, and cumulative profit.
Additionally, you will find the following features:
Help Center: Access detailed rules and guides for Copy Trading Pro.
Transaction History: View your transaction history, detailing your investments and redemptions.
This section shows the performance overview and cumulative ROI for your investments into various strategies.
Total Equity (USDT) |
The total amount invested in all strategies, valued in USDT and updated every five (5) minutes
Equity for a single strategy = Total shares purchased × NAV of the time |
Cumulative ROI (%) |
Evaluates the overall performance of all strategies the user invests in. Return on Investment (ROI) measures the performance of a strategy by calculating the percentage change of NAV over a specific period of time. ROI = (Ending NAV - Beginning NAV) / Beginning NAV × 100% The ROI data is available in the following time intervals: 7 Days, 14 Days, 30 Days, 90 Days, and 180 Days) |
My Investment
There are two (2) sub-tabs under My Investment, namely Current Holdings and Past Holdings.
Current Holdings
Current Holdings includes subscribed shares and shares in the subscription process and pending confirmation.
Share Value |
The total value of all shares held by the user, calculated by multiplying the number of shares owned in each strategy by the respective Net Asset Value (NAV) of that strategy |
Pending Investment |
Refers to funds that have been invested in a strategy but haven't been confirmed |
Holding Duration |
Indicates the length of time an investor has held shares in a particular Copy Trading Pro strategy |
Shares Held |
The number of shares an investor currently owns in a Copy Trading Pro strategy, excluding shares pending redemption |
Current Profit |
The difference between the current value of the user’s investment in a strategy and the initial investment. It is the profit or loss based on the total shares held, including pending redemption shares, multiplied by the corresponding NAV |
Pending Redemption |
Shares of a redemption request that has been submitted but hasn't yet been processed |
Invest More |
Tap to invest more into the current strategy. This button is only available during the investment window |
Details page
You can tap on Details to go to the strategy page and learn more about the specific strategy. The strategy details page provides a broad overview of the invested strategy, including the parameters listed in the table above, and two charts summarizing the overall strategy performance.
ROI measures the profitability of an investment relative to the initial cost. A positive ROI means the investment has generated a profit. A negative ROI indicates a loss |
A chart that tracks the changes in NAV of the strategy. Available in different time frames. A rising NAV indicates that the strategy's underlying assets have increased in value, leading to potential profits for investors. Conversely, a falling NAV suggests that the assets have declined in value, potentially resulting in losses |
Invest More |
Increase your investment in the strategy. You can only invest more in the strategy at the time stated in the investment window |
Redeem |
Withdraw your investment from the strategy. The actual redeemed funds will be based on the NAV at the processing time
After the redemption requests are submitted, funds will be confirmed and credited the day after the processing time. You will be able to see all relevant timing on the redemption window.
Past Holdings
Past Holdings includes redeemed shares and shares in the process of redemption and pending redemption confirmation.
Redeemed Funds |
Refers to the funds that have been successfully withdrawn from a strategy by an investor after deducting profit shares |
Shares to Redeem |
Refers to the number of shares an investor has indicated they want to withdraw or redeem from a Copy Trading Pro strategy |
Pending Redemption |
Indicates a redemption request that has been submitted but has not yet been processed. It signifies that the investor's funds are in the process of being withdrawn from the strategy |
Invest More |
Tap to invest more into this strategy. This button is only available during the investment window |