    How to Add a Withdrawal Wallet Address
    bybit2024-12-19 02:35:01
    On the AppOn the Website

    Here's a step-by-step guide to adding your withdrawal addresses to your Bybit account. 





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    • For the withdrawal of coins that require a tag/memo (e.g., XRP, EOS, XYM, XLM, XEM, and others), please remember to enter your Tag or EOS Memo for the transfer. Failure to do so will cause unnecessary delays in processing your withdrawal. 

    Step 1: Go to your wallet management page here or click on Manage Withdrawal Addresses on the Account and Security page.


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    Alternatively, you can also click on Assets at the top right-hand corner of the home page and go to your Funding or Spot Account. Then, click on Withdraw in the column of the coin for which you wish to add the wallet address.


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    Step 2: 

    1. If you’re on the Spot Assets page or the Funding Assets page, the withdrawal window will pop up after clicking on Withdraw. Please click on the Add button to be redirected to the Wallet management page.


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    1. Once you’re on the Wallet Management Page, please click on the Add button at the top right corner of the page to add a new wallet address. If you would like to add several addresses at the same time, please click on Add in Batches.


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    Step 3: Fill in your withdrawal wallet address details. The following information is required:



    Select the coin supported for this wallet address.

    If you enable the Save as Universal Wallet Address feature, the wallet address can be used for all supported coins on that particular network and address.


    Enter your withdrawal wallet address. Please ensure accurate entry, and be mindful of case sensitivity when applicable.

    Chain Type

    Select the correct chain type for your address. If you have any doubts, please verify the wallet address information with the destination wallet address provider.

    Tag/Memo (Optional)

    Some blockchain networks require a tag/memo for successful fund transfers to the correct account. Please ensure to verify if a tag/memo is needed.


    Write down a remark for the address (not exceeding 20 characters) to easily identify this wallet address in your address book.

    Address Verification (Optional)

    Activate the No verification needed for this address next time option if you wish to skip verification steps for this address on Bybit during future withdrawal requests. To learn more about this option, please refer to How to Manage Your Withdrawal Address Book.


    Once you’re done, click on Confirm.


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    If you would like to add an Internal Transfer account, simply enter your email address, mobile number, or UID of the Bybit account to which you would like to withdraw.


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    If you would like to add wallet addresses in batches, please take note of the following: 

    • You can click on the Add button to add another wallet address, with a maximum of up to five (5) addresses per batch.

    • If you would like to remove a wallet address from the batch, kindly click on the rubbish bin icon under the Action column.

    • Check the box below if you want to enable the Saved as Universal Wallet Address or No verification needed for this address next time function.


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    Step 4: If you haven't completed the verification steps, please do so to add the address to your address book.


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    Your wallet address has been added to your address book!


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    If you have activated the New Address Withdrawal Lock security feature, the withdrawal function will be restricted for 24 hours for the newly saved address or when you disable the security feature.


    To make any modifications to the addresses in your address book, simply click on Edit and update the information accordingly. 

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