The concept of dynamic leverage is used for Bybit's Risk Limit. This means the larger the contract value traders hold, the lower the maximum leverage allowed. In other words, the initial margin requirement incrementally goes up by a fixed percentage at every specific increase in contract value level. Please note that the maintenance margin base rate is 0.5% for BTC and 1% for ETH, EOS and XRP, and the margin requirements will increase or decrease accordingly as risk limit changes.
Risk limit is a risk management measure to limit the risk exposure of traders. A large position with high leverage may cause huge contract losses when liquidated in a highly volatile market. Contract losses are created when the position is liquidated beneath the bankruptcy price and coupled with a depleted insurance fund that is insufficient to fully absorb the losses, Auto deleveraging (ADL) system will be triggered. Traders with a large position pose an increased risk of ADL to other traders on the exchange. To minimize the possibility of ADL occurring, Bybit imposes a risk limit on all trading accounts according to their positional contract value held.
As the position contract value increases, the maintenance margin and initial margin requirements will also increase. Users can choose to increase or decrease the risk limit through the Asset Overview panel. The default risk limit level on Bybit will always start from the lowest risk limit level.
Bybit will perform a laddered liquidation process for traders using higher risk limits, and will automatically reduce the level of maintenance margin by attempting to reduce the risk limit levels to the lowest possible level to avoid an immediate full liquidation of the trader’s position. For more details on the Liquidation process, please click here.
Risk Limit Table:
Contracts |
Risk Limit Base Value |
Risk Limit Increment |
Maintenance Margin Base Rate |
Maintenance Margin Increment at every level |
Initial Margin Base Rate |
Initial Margin Increment at every level |
BTCUSD | 150BTC | 150BTC | 0.5% | 0.5% | 1% | 0.5% |
ETHUSD | 3000ETH | 3000ETH | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
EOSUSD | 50000EOS | 50000EOS | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
XRPUSD | 750000XRP | 750000XRP | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
DOTUSD | 20000 DOT | 20000 DOT | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
BITUSD | 250000 BIT | 250000 BIT | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
ADAUSD | 200000 ADA | 200000 ADA | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
MANAUSD | 50000 MANA | 50000 MANA | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
LTCUSD | 2000 LTC | 2000 LTC | 1% | 0.5% | 2% | 1% |
Term | Formula | Eg: ETHUSD(Total Position Value 4000 ETH, hence limit needs to increase by 1 time) |
New Risk Limit(RL) | RL Base value+ (Number of incremental *RL incremental value) | 3000 + (1*3000)= 6000 ETH |
New Maintenance Margin(MM) % | MM Base rate + (Number of incremental*MM incremental rate) | 1% + (1*0.5%)= 1.5% |
New Initial Margin (IM) % | IM Base rate + (Number of incremental*IM incremental rate) | 2% + (1*1%)= 3% |
New Maintenance Margin Amount | New MM%* Total Position Value | 1.5%*4000 = 60 ETH |
For more details, please refer to the table below.
Risk Limit for BTCUSD
Position Value | Maintenance Margin | Initial Margin | Max Leverage |
150 BTC | 0.5% | 1.00% | 100.00 |
300 BTC | 1.0% | 1.50% | 66.67 |
450 BTC | 1.5% | 2.00% | 50.00 |
600 BTC | 2.0% | 2.50% | 40.00 |
750 BTC | 2.5% | 3.00% | 33.33 |
900 BTC | 3.0% | 3.50% | 28.57 |
1050 BTC | 3.5% | 4.00% | 25.00 |
1200 BTC | 4.0% | 4.50% | 22.22 |
1350 BTC | 4.5% | 5.00% | 20.00 |
1500 BTC | 5.0% | 5.50% | 18.18 |
How to View Risk Limit Information
To view the Risk Limit information for all trading pairs, you can click on the Derivatives Info → Derivatives Trading Rules → Margin Data or visit this page.
Select the trading pair you would like to view, and you can see the complete Risk Limit information.